Disbursement of GPAT scholarship to GPAT-qualified students for the year 2023- 2024 and2024-2025.
– All Pharmacy Institutions approved-
a) u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948
b) for conduct of course
– All GPAT qualified students FY 2023-24.
– All GPAT qualified students FY 2024-25.
Sub.: Disbursement of GPAT scholarship to GPAT qualified students for the year 2023- 2024 and 2024-2025.
This has a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to inform that the Council is in process of disbursing the stipend to the students who have passed GPAT examination in year 2023-24 and onwards. The disbursement will be released in due course of time.
This is for information.
Yours faithfully
(Pratima Tiwari) Deputy Secretary