Applications Invited for Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE)

After coming into force of these regulations, the candidates who have successfully completed the approved course of Diploma in Pharmacy and have qualified the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination only will be eligible for registration as pharmacists under section 33 of the Pharmacy Act 1948. These regulation shall not apply to the persons whose names are already entered in the register of pharmacists for the state.
As per the regulations, “The objective of the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) is to ensure that a candidate applying for registration as pharmacist with the State Pharmacy Council has undergone pharmacy education and a comprehensive practical training programme in Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) course as provided in the Education Regulations, 2020 or the regulations that may be in force from time to time in an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
After having passed the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination, a candidate shall be entitled to registration as a pharmacist subject to fulfilment of the conditions enumerated in section 32(2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. The applications for registration shall be addressed to the Registrar of the State Pharmacy Council and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents as referred to in section 46(2)(g) of the Act.
National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has been entrusted with the responsibility to conduct the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) as per Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022. Role of NBEMS is limited to conduct of the Examination, publishing the result and handing over the result to Pharmacy Council of India & all State Pharmacy Councils.
Information for Candidates
1. As per the current schedule, the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) shall be conducted by the NBEMS biannually. The DPEE shall be conducted in March/April and September/October every year.
2. The first session of DPEE shall be held in October 2024 as per schedule detailed under Important Dates and Scheme of Examination.
3. Candidates are advised to read the Information Bulletin carefully and go through the instructions regarding submission of online application form given in the information bulletin as well as on DPEE index page on NBEMS website before starting online submission process for DPEE October 2024 session.
11. Candidates should ensure before submission of online application form that they shall qualify the final examination for their Diploma in Pharmacy qualification by the prescribed cut-off date and their Diploma in Pharmacy qualification has been undertaken from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. If it is found at any point of time that their Diploma in Pharmacy qualification is not obtained from a recognized institution, the candidature/result shall be cancelled/ deemed to be cancelled.
12. Candidates may kindly note that appearance in DPEE does not confer any automatic rights to secure registration with the State Pharmacy Council. After having passed the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination, a candidate shall be entitled to registration as a pharmacist subject to fulfilment of the conditions enumerated in section 32(2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. The applications for registration shall be addressed to the Registrar of the State Pharmacy Council and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents as referred to in section 46(2)(g) of the Act
13. Candidates should go through this bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria before applying. Queries pertaining to eligibility and other issues will only be entertained if the information requested is not given in the bulletin of information or NBEMS website. No Queries of the Guardians/ Parents will be entertained on telephone with regard to the eligibility and disclosure of the results.
14. Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination, will not be permitted to appear in the examination. In an unlikely event of any ineligible candidate appearing and/or passing the DPEE, the results/ candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled and/or is deemed to be cancelled, even if result has been declared or Pass Certificate has been issued.
15. NBEMS reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination even though the admit card/roll number has been issued or name/roll number is displayed on NBEMS website.
16. Fee shall neither be carried forward to a future exams nor refunded under any circumstances.
17. Candidates’ eligibility is purely provisional & is subjected to the fulfilment of eligibility criteria as prescribed in this Information Bulletin.
18. Instructions in the information bulletin are liable to change based on decisions taken by the NBEMS from time to time.
19. NBEMS reserves its absolute rights to alter the examination schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines at any time. The candidate shall have no right whatsoever for claiming/ deriving any right from past or present schedule, policy and guidelines of NBEMS.
20. NBEMS reserves its absolute right to alter, amend, modify or apply any or some of the instructions/ guidelines contained in this information bulletin.
21. The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines are for ready reference only but in no way, they are or ought to be treated as representative or acknowledgment of fact that NBEMS is bound to follow the same in future.
22. Instructions in the Information Bulletin are liable to change based on decisions taken by the Government / Pharmacy Council of India / Competent Authority / Court decisions from time to time. Candidates are required to refer to the latest bulletin or corrigendum that may be issued to incorporate these changes. Refer NBEMS website for latest updates or corrigendum.
23. Notifications, regulations etc. issued by Government of India/ Pharmacy Council of India time to time may be referred for eligibility criteria, pattern etc.
24. In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/ terms/ rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/conduct of examinations/ registration of candidates/information contained herein, the interpretation of the NBEMS shall be final and binding in nature. In case of any discrepancy in the information contained डीपीईई अक्टू बर 2024/ DPEE October 2024 16 in English and Hindi version of the bulletin, the information mentioned in English language shall be considered final.
25. Request shall not be entertained for change in date/center of examination under any circumstances. Candidates are advised not to canvass for such representation.
26. Admit Cards for DPEE shall be available to downloaded at NBEMS website from 30th September 2024 onwards. Candidates found ineligible before conduct of the examination shall not be issued admit cards.
27. Result of Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination shall be displayed on NBEMS website
28. DPEE shall be conducted by NBEMS at various exam centres engaged for the purpose. Candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the route and location of the exam centre. Please refer Chapter on details of Test Day Procedures.
29. The examination test centre staff on duty is authorized to verify the identity of candidates and may take steps to verify and record the DPEE October 2024 17 identity of candidates. Candidates are required to extend requisite cooperation.
30. Possession/ Use of mobile phones/Electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBEMS test Centres. Candidates shall be liable for penal action for Possession/ Use of Mobile phones/ Electronic devices. Please go through guidelines detailed in Chapter on use of unfair means in the examination.
31. Demo Test: A demo test shall be available for the benefit of candidates to familiarise themselves with the Computer Based Test format at website Candidates will be able to access the Demo test tentatively from 20th September 2024 onwards.
32. The candidates should communicate with NBEMS regarding matters related to DPE Examinations as per prescribed Protocols only, detailed under Chapter on Communication Protocols.
33. Candidates are encouraged to communicate for DPEE October 2024 session through “helpdesk” tab which can be accessed after the applicant login to its application account. The correspondence through post should be addressed to the Executive Director, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, Medical Enclave, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029. Candidates are requested to superscribe the envelope with the subject matter of the correspondence for expeditious processing.
34. The jurisdiction for court cases/disputes shall be at New Delhi only.
Examination Fee :
GST @ 18% : Rs.900/-
1. Application forms once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Fee shall neither be carried forward to a future date nor refunded under any circumstances. Any claim for refund, adjustment or carrying forward of Application fee will not be entertained.
2. How to pay: The prescribed exam fee should be remitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or other modes as may be made available and have been provided on the web page. Fee can not be deposited through any mode other than the payment gateway available while submitting online application form submission.
3. Kindly ensure that the payment made for examination fee is successful and confirmation of the same can be seen in the application form under payment status reflected as “S” (for successful). In case the status is shown as pending, the payment might be stuck with your bank and might be cleared at a later date. The application submission process is not completed till such time the status of payment is reflected as “S” in application form. NBEMS shall not be responsible for rejection of your application due to delay in settlement of the payment by your bank to NBEMS.
4. It is at the discretion of the applicant to make another payment for completing the application submission process. In an event of receipt of duplicate/multiple examination fees towards the same application ID, NBEMS shall refund the excess fees received for an application retaining the prescribed examination fee, after closure of application window.
5. Examination fees in respect of candidates who are absent or have been declared ineligible due to any reason shall be forfeited. Candidates are advised to read the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination regulations, 2022 and the information bulletin for DPEE October 2024 session carefully and satisfy the terms and conditions for fulfilment of eligibility criteria before proceeding for payment of fees.
Eligibility Criteria
The candidate must meet/fulfill the following criteria :
1. Candidates who have passed Diploma in Pharmacy course from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 can register for the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination.
2. The result of final examination for the said Diploma in Pharmacy qualification should have been declared on or before 31st July 2024
3. Candidates must note that it is mandatory for them to submit proof /documentary evidence that clearly establishes that the result of the final examination for Diploma in Pharmacy qualification was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e. 31st July 2024.
4. In the event that the proof / documentary evidence submitted by the candidate does not clearly establish that the result of the final examination of his Diploma in Pharmacy qualification was declared on or before 31st July 2024 and/or does not clearly specify that the candidate has been declared PASS /QUALIFIED in the final examinations in all mandatory required courses, the candidature shall be cancelled and the candidate shall be declared as ineligible.
Important Dates
Online Submission of the Application Form : 24th August 2024 (3:00 PM Onwards) to 13th September 2024 (Till 11:55PM)
Date of Examination : 3rd, 4th and 5th October 2024
Declaration of Result By : 4th November 2024