AP Rcet 2023-2024 Ph.D Counseling Details
Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Managalagiri, Guntur
APRCET 2023-24 ADMISSIONS into Ph.D Programmes
Certificate Verification and Option Exercise for WEB based Admissions Counselling DETAILED NOTIFICATION FOR 1 st PHASE COUNSELLING
The rank obtained candidates of APRCET 2023-24 are informed to attend APRCET2023- 24 web counselling for Admissions into Ph.D programmes for the academic Year 2023-24 offered by Andhra Pradesh State Universities and Research centers recognized by the respective Universities and affiliated Colleges and industry as research centers in Science / Arts / Humanities / Social Sciences / Fine Arts/ Education/ Physical Education / Library Sciences / Commerce and Management / Engineering and Technology / Architecture and Planning / Law / Pharmaceutical Sciences etc.
Candidates are informed that they should satisfy the admission rules prescribed in the related G.O. besides satisfying the eligibility criteria of the G.O.M.S. No.3, dated 09.01.2024 and by adopting 100 Point Roster as per G.O.Ms.No.77 GA(Ser-D) Dept. Dated: 02.08.2023.
Candidates granted admission for Ph.D should be prepared to pay the tuition fee as applicable in respective Universities.
This notification itself is a call for counselling. No separate call letters will be sent to the individual candidates.
Mere attending Web counselling does not guarantee a seat.
Rank obtained candidates of APRCET 2023-24 are informed to participate in web counseling for the seats available in Ph.Dprogrammes for the academic Year 2023-24offered by Andhra Pradesh State Universities and Research centers recognized by the respective Universities, in affiliated Colleges and industry as research centers in Science/ Arts/ Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Fine Arts/ Education/ Physical Education/ Library Sciences/ Commerce and
Management/ Engineering and Technology/ Architecture and Planning/ Law/ Pharmaceutical
Sciences etc.in the State on payment of Registration/Processing fee as given below.
I)Payment of Registration/Processing Fee:
(Before Certificate Verification)
1. Rs.750/- (for OC/BC) and Rs.500/- (for SC/ST/PWD) through online by credit card/debit card/(or) net banking through the “Pay Processing Fee” link in the website https://sche.ap.gov.in. Separate registration is needed for each Ph.Dprogramme.
2. All the candidates from First rank to Last rank can pay the processing fee from
20.09.2024onwards using URLhttps://cets.apsche.ap.gov.in
3. Enter APRCET 2023-24 Hall Ticket number and Date of Birth and click on to pay fee online.
4. The candidate will be directed to payment gateway.
5. Select any one mode of payment i.e., credit card or debit card or net banking and enter credentials.
6. Once the payment is success click on print button and take a print out.
7. Candidate shall note that he/she shall have paid the processing fee when candidate upload scanned copies of certificates i.e., the processing fee should be paid online by the candidate before he/she upload scanned copies of certificates.

AP RCET 2023-24 Detailed Notification
University wise Vacancy Positions
Important Dates
Important Dates
- Registration:From Date:20/09/2024 To Date :25/09/2024
- Verification of uploaded certificates:From Date:23/09/2024 To Date :27/09/2024
- Web options:From Date:28/09/2024 To Date :30/09/2024
- Change of Web options:Date:01/10/2024
- Allotment of Seats:Date:04/10/2024
- Self-reporting:From Date:05/10/2024 To Date :10/10/2024
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